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[cobalt-security] rec'd patches to install on Qube?

I'm setting up a 2700wg for a small-office.  The currently installed
software is:
           Cobalt Kernel Upgrade Release 1.0 
           Cobalt OS Patch Release 3.0 
           Cobalt OS Release 2.2 
           Shell History Patch Release 1.1 

I've seen mentions of other patches on user's lists, but cannot tell
what is current.  Can anyone recommend patches, bug-fixes, upgrades,
etc. which should be installed?

In particular, I'm concerned that the box runs bind 4.9.5 -- I remember
that there were security problems with some of the 4.9.x releases (I've
been running 8.2.x stuff for while on all my other (non-cobalt)

--mike <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>