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Re: [cobalt-security] (no subject)

hi michael,

I am then using an .htaccess file to point to the password CGI folder but it
cannot find the file. It would appear that the .htaccess file is not
pointing to the correct place but I have checked the path and it is correct.
The .htaccess file is below:

AuthUserFile /home/sites/www.webshop4all.net/web/cgi-bin/reseller/.passwords
AuthGroupFile /home/sites/www.webshop4all.net/web/cgi-bin/reseller/.groups
AuthName Access
AuthType Basic
<Limit GET>
Require group 0 1

add the following line to your .htaccess:

AuthPAM_Enabled off

and, in general, it wouldn't be a too good idea to place password files like your .passwords in a path that is accessible via the web. if you do so, please check if you have installed the All-Security-Point-2.4 which prevents .something-files from being viewed through the browser.

cya, jonas.

Jonas Pasche
Technischer Support

webagentur Domke GmbH

Rheinstr. 3 - 64283 Darmstadt - Germany

Telefon +49 6151 17742-33
Telefax +49 6151 293173

