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[cobalt-security] SSH RSA Authentication on Raq2

We have F-Secure SSH 1.1 build 24 client and can get
in the Raq2 server with Password Authentication; we
can not get in with RSA Authentication and get the

RSA Authentication Failed 

* We copied the RSA public key into the user
$home/.ssh directory 
* We set the private key settings in Properties and
clicked OK 
* The pub key only is one line saved as
* The instructions for setting up the 1.1.27(?) server
was at 
*  we issued the commands:
% ~/.ssh
% chmod 755 .
% chmod go-w *
* now the file permissions are: -rw-r--r-- instead of

We we type ssh -v & it worked with the following
output on the client: 

[x .ssh]$ ssh -v www 
SSH Version 1.2.27 [mips-unknown-linux], protocol
version 1.5. Standard version. Does not use RSAREF. 
www.xxx.com: Reading configuration data
/etc/ssh_config www.xxx.com: ssh_connect: getuid 116
geteuid 0 anon 0 www.xxx.com: Connecting to www
[xxx.xxx.x.xxx] port 22. www.xxx.com: Allocated local
port 1023. 
www.xxx.com: Connection established. 
www.xxx.com: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote
software version 1.2.27 
www.xxx.com: Waiting for server public key. 
www.xxx.com: Received server public key (1152 bits)
and host key (1024 bits). 
Host key not found from the list of known hosts. Are
you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 

{end of output} 

We answer no because we do not know what it will do if
we say yes. Has anyone implemented ssh on the Raq2 and
using RSA, your guidance is greatly appreciated.


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