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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ2/3 - Security Vulnerabilities

Once upon a time, D Danks <ddanks@xxxxxxxxx> said:
> Found this information on the Bugtraq Security Focus Website,
> http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1238
> Has anybody previously come across this information, and more importantly,
> has the issue been resolved; directions to the patch would be most welcome.

Well, you trimmed the last part of my post to BUGTRAQ where I said that
I explained the issue on cobalt-users almost two months ago and that
Cobalt has yet to release a fix (as of when I posted to BUGTRAQ
yesterday, May 23).

I posted it to cobalt-users initially because my message was in
follow-up to another message.  I've been rather busy since that time and
only yesterday really got a chance to post it to BUGTRAQ.  I didn't
think about the cobalt-security list until after the fact.
Chris Adams <cmadams@xxxxxxxxxx>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Information Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.