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RE: [cobalt-security] SSH RSA Authentication on Raq2

>Make sure that (at least - that's how we set them)
>permissions are as
> - the homedir does not have write access for group
>or others (umask 
>or even 077)
> - the .ssh dir is chmod 700.
> - all the files in the .ssh dir are chmod 600.

We typed :  chmod 700 .
for the homedir
We typed :  chmod 600 .
for the .ssh directory and now can not get into the 
directory at all (oops).
What are the commands to fix this, since even the
admin user gets : permission denied.

Still, password works great, just not RSA

P.S.  Does anyone know what this is after doing ps -a:
  357  ?  S    0:00 /sbin/mgetty -b modem 

we think it is a fax/modem software but no one has one
hooked up to our Raq and when admin did : kill 357, 
it returned : - Not owner

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