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[cobalt-security] Re: [cobalt-announce] Cobalt Networks - Security Advisory - Frontpage

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On 5/25/00 at 2:21 AM Jeff Lovell wrote:

>Cobalt Networks -- Security Advisory -- 5.25.2000
>With the current installation of Frontpage on RaQ2 and RaQ3, the
>ability to write data to other websites hosted on the same RaQ.
>This is due to a permissioning issue with the 'httpd' user.
>Thanks to Chris Adams <cmadams@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Chris Adams wrote:
>"There is a security problem with FrontPage extensions on the
>Cobalt RaQ2 and RaQ3 web hosting appliances.  It allows any
>user on the system to change, delete, or overwrite a FrontPage
>When a site is uploaded with FP to a RaQ2/3, all of the files
>are owned by user "httpd" instead of a site-specific user.
>The Apache web server is also running as user "httpd".  Cobalt
>uses cgiwrap to have CGIs run as the user that owns the CGI
>instead of "httpd", but it is trivial to bypass cgiwrap and
>run scripts as user "httpd".
>Cobalt Networks is dedicated to providing secure platforms.
>Accordingly, we have just completed a fix for this bug that
>is available in tar.gz format, which can be found at the following
>RaQ 3i (x86)
>RaQ 2 (MIPS)
>MD5 sum                          Package Name
>bb690be8a6cbf3d795ad193c4e51cece fpx_patch1.tar.gz
>You can verify each rpm using the following command:
>md5sum fpx_patch1.tar.gz
>The details on installing this package are located at:
>The package file format (pkg) for this fix is currently in testing, and
>will be available in the very near future.
>Jeff Lovell
>Cobalt Networks
>cobalt-announce mailing list

          \|||/                     Regards,
        (@@)             Richard Junek     
_____|_____Please Have A Great Day  _|____|_____|