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Re: [cobalt-security] booting

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Theodore Jones so wrote:

} Which file do I need to edit to boot out password-crackers that try the
} brute force assult on an htaccess file?  I tried adding their incoming
} IP to the "hosts.deny" file under /etc/ but that didn't work.  Would
} "access.conf" under /etc/httpd/conf/ be the one to edit?  If so, what
} would be the correct syntax for adding an individual IP to block?

	Check out the access rules in your httpd.conf
file. Specifically the Order, allow and Deny rules. They're
documented pretty well in the access.conf file. The downside is that
using these does increase the load on Apache which translates into
lower performance. This is one of those situations where a router
and/or a firewall between your machine and the Internet comes in
pretty handy.

	Peace be with you,
	Brent Sims
	WebOkay Internet Services
	(719) 595-1427 (Voice/Fax)