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Re: [cobalt-security] ROOT - thanks graeme

> Dylan wrote:
> >Cobalt really really need to give the admin user
> >(or indeed anyone with physical access) the ability
> >to boot into single user mode.
> They do. You have to use a serial console to do it:
> - Reboot the machine with a serial console attached (Windows HyperTerm,
> Mac ZTerm, another Linux box etc etc will do)
> - Press 'space' to drop into ROM Mode
> - type 'boot'
> - type ' set_params "single" '
> - type 'bfd' (for Boot From Disk)
> - Voila! single user mode. Very useful.
> Enjoy. And try not to break anything while you're there!
> [Thanks to Cobalt's KnowledgeBase - a very useful resource]

That sounds great.. if I can do that I might be able to get root back. I
have tried booting up with the console (minicom on a linux box) and that
works well.. i can see all the output as it shutsdown / boots up but try as
I might.. hitting the spacebar the whole time does not seem to drop me to
ROM mode .. at what point does space do this? Just as it boots up?