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Re: Support for Cobalt Products (Was: Re: [cobalt-security] kernel corrupted!)

Well said. I was lucky to get to talk to a tech support guy(Jason) the first
time I called. He said my RAQ3i box was hacked(without giving any reasons on how
it was hacked), and asked me to purchase a restored CD. That was all he could
offer me. So I did place an order shipped overnight. Guess what? the guy never
shipped that out. I called back the next day and days after and could never get
through the phone system. I left many voicemails w/o a call back. So then I had
to place an order online. That wasn't fun at all.


Wayne Kiedaisch wrote:

> Gerald, and the rest of the list,
> My reason for complaining is that I believe a certain level of "quality"
> support should be provided free of charge when you purchase any
> hardware/software product. At the very least, quality e-mail support should
> be provided. I was also not properly informed upon purchasing the product
> that quality technical support was NOT included. When have you bought a PC
> where support was not included?
> I understand the need to charge for things such as 4 hour replacement and
> immediate attention, but the documentation is sketchy at best, and their
> tech support by phone (I mean by voicemail) is not  acceptable when working
> with customers who need answers right away. If that were not enough, the
> patches and kludginess of the OS and the web interface is enough to make my
> technicians and support persons SCREAM! And guess who has to hear about it?
> Me and my customers.
> Has anyone tried to restore a back-up? Has anyone tried to restore a crashed
> server? It's not pretty. And it's not good business IMHO. They are fixing a
> bunch of things, but they have been doing this for several years now, and I
> am not impressed with their progress. I looked at their product, the Cube, a
> few years back and was not impressed. I decided to give them another try
> with the RAQ3i. I am fairly impressed with the product, made a lot of
> suggestions and recommendations, and am patiently, (or impatiently) waiting
> for the changes to be made so that the product can stand on its own feet
> without my having to call my UNIX system administrator every day to fix
> things or look at what the web interface screwed up again. I was expecting a
> system that was easily managable. Instead I found a server that requires a
> lot of attention, and we are stuck fixing the bugs and writing our own
> documentation. I feel like a Microsoft beta tester at times. It just isn't
> good business. That's all.
> If I had great support from the company, I would be willing to tolerate
> having to be a beta tester. But when someone needs to ask someone else who
> needs to find someone else to try to find the answer, it is a bit
> discouraging to say the least.
> Sorry for the rant. It's been a long day, but I didn't want to appear to be
> a complainer without having good reason to be. And I believe I have good
> reason. If the company provided free quality tech support I would support
> the company 120%! We're not calling to ask how to add users. We are calling
> because there are bugs with their software and we want to help fix them so
> that we can sell more boxes and hopefully make more $$$ with less work.
> Wayne@xxxxxxx <mailto:Wayne@xxxxxxx>
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Gerald Waugh [SMTP:gerald@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:   Tuesday, June 27, 2000 2:03 PM
> To:     cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:        Re: Support for Cobalt Products (Was: Re: [cobalt-security]
> kernel corrupted!)
> Jeff Lasman <jblists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
> On: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 11:29 AM
> > Wayne Kiedaisch wrote:
> >
> > > Yes, Cobalt's phone tech support sucks. Unless it improves very soon, we
> > > will be looking at other machines to purchase in the future.
> >
> > If you're expecting free support I really can't help you, except to
> > commiserate.
> >
> Jeff,
> This is true, Cobalt *SELLS* support, like most businesses
> (jblists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). If you are not buying it, be appreciative of what
> you
> do get! Just my 2 cents.
> This list should not be used to *BASH* Cobalt (It's not productive). Cobalt,
> like it or not, is our partner! Cobalt can help us, and we can help Cobalt!
> Gerald
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