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RE: [cobalt-security] I tried..

Hi Gossi and the others,

> -----Original Message-----
> Yes it is.  A patch has been supplied by Cobalt which fixes the issue,
> however they haven't actually posted a notice of this on their website
> (still), nor actually mentioned it in the page you download
> it from on the
> website (which, in other words, means a majority of ISPs which have
> Cobalts remain utterly clueless to the fact they are all
> ownable by local
> users).

Has anyone of you a clue which of the packages that can be found on
ftp.cobalt.net ought to be installed? I cannot find any hints on that.

Why don't I have these problems with our SuSE boxes? >:-)


 w e b f a c t o r y   G m b H
   Matthias Pigulla <mp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - Geschaeftsfuehrer
   Lessingstr. 60 - D-53113 Bonn - Germany - www.webfactory.de
   Fon +49(0)228-9114455 - Fax +49(0)228-9114499 - ICQ 6394233