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[cobalt-security] Re: [cobalt-users] qpopper -- reverting to 2.53 (howto)

Jeff Lovell wrote:

> You might also want to remove /var/lib/cobalt/RaQ2-Qpopper-3.0.2*
> and /var/lib/cobalt/uninstallers/RaQ2-Qpopper-3.0.2* to remove
> the entries in the UI.

k, I did that,

> I'm still curious about the problems.  I can't seem to reproduce it

I installed a second time. Now I get this:

[root log]# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK QPOP (version ?) at ns.communitymusician.com starting.  
USER paul
+OK Password required for paul.
[long delay]
-ERR [AUTH] PAM authentication failed for user "paul": Authentication failure

/var/log/messages sez:

Jul 25 01:24:09 ns PAM-warn[24671]: service: qpop [on terminal: <unknown>]
Jul 25 01:24:09 ns PAM-warn[24671]: user: (uid=0) -> paul [remote:
Jul 25 01:24:19 ns in.qpopper[24671]: paul at dsl-64-34-2-XXX.telocity.com
(64.34.2.XXX): -ERR [AUTH] PAM authentication failed for user "paul":
Authentication failure (7)
Jul 25 01:24:19 ns in.qpopper[24671]: [AUTH] Failed attempted login to paul
from host (dsl-64-34-2-XXX.telocity.com) 64.34.2.XXX

so i did this:

[root src]# rpm -e qpopper-3.0.2-C4
[root src]# rpm -i qpopper-2.53-1C2.mips.rpm 
[root mail]# cd /etc/pam.d/
[root pam.d]# cp qpop.master qpop
cp: overwrite `qpop'? yes
[root pam.d]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart

and it works again.



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