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[cobalt-security] Re: log files

Martin Adams schrieb:

1. this question is related to cobalt-users, not cobalt-security.

2. please turn off your vcard, interests no one, but annoys all.

> I'm trying to make the size of the log files larger. I can't seem to be
> able to modify the configuration files located in the 'etc/logrotate.d/'
> directory. I can download the files to my local machine but the RaQ3
> baulks when I try to upload the modified file. I want to change  the
> size of the virtual sites from 10 megs on the virtual sites to 60 megs
> for web logging.
> Anybody got a procedure for this? Is there a way to do this through the
> GUI or what I need to do using telnet.exe? It appears to be a read only
> file and I guess I need to modify its attributes before modifying it. 

you can edit them directly on your box. become root usind /bin/su,
change to the directory, make a backup (as you seem to be newbie) by

cp filename filename.bak

and edit the file by typing

pico -w filename

pico has a behavior a bit similar to dos edit.

telnet.exe of windoze is not a very good telnet client, i would
recommend the free tera term pro.

as your root password is transmitted in plain text, you should install
ssh and disable telnet. see the knowledge base for instructions. you
can  upgrade tera term pro to a free ssh client using the ttssh addon.



H. P.  Stroebel, Germany

CGI-FAQ for Raq-Newbies :

A problem to some is a 'feature' to others.