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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ2: Default user access/site permissions

 >Hi there.

Is there any reason why I can't chmod all of the sites in my
/home/sites directory not to be readable/executable by other?  I
don't see any reason why a person who has telnet access to the
machine should be allowed to traipse through other sites on the

Also, if there's no reason why I can't, what file do I have to alter
(no doubt voiding the warranty) to create sites with these
permissions missing in the first place?


Michelle A. Hoyle


Actually, at the time I asked this, I went in as root and chmod ugo-wx * everything in /home/sites/. It worked fine for 7 days and Ididn't noticed anything not working, but maybe I'm not looking in the right place. All CGIs, htaccess files, HTML files seem to work fine for it. Mail seems to work OK.


I installed the latest security upgrade to the machine (RaQ2-en-Update-OS-3.0.pkg) and all Hell broke loose. My secure administration server no longer works at all and the web server couldn't serve out pages from the sites anymore. Returned a "You don't have permission to access these files".

I'd still rather leave all sites in /home/sites/ o-rx, any ideas on what was done in the upgrade that would cause this not to work anymore?



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Michelle A. Hoyle, VP Web Technologies, Canada
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