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[cobalt-security] To Cobalt/Jeff: security tips

Hi Jeff,
Hi Cobalts,
Hi All,

I have some suggestions for making the RaQ (3) a little bit more
secure. A lot of hacks are usable for a specific version of
Sendmail/Perl/qpopper/Apache/.... In many applications one can turn
off the version display, e.g. in Apache.

Instead of showing
Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.2b
on http://www.netcraft.com/whats/
it could simply be

This can be done easily with one entry in httpd.conf (I don't remember
it, but I did it on my local Apache installation). This is more
secure, I think. Same with ProFTPd and so on.

Sure, I could do this manually, but
1. I may loose my warranty
2. I don't know if it get's changed by the GUI

Cobalt, could you please release a patch and include this little
security tip?

What's the other's opinion?

Thanks a lot!