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Re: [cobalt-security] suggestion: chmod the files

Kevin D wrote:

>The long answer is that you probably can, but you would probably have to
>forsake the cobalt GUI and restructure the entire permissions structure that
>cobalt built.
>The reasoning behind this is that a single user cannot belong to more than
>32 groups (a linux limitation). The user httpd, which is the user that
>Apache uses to access the file system, must have access to each and every
>site directory in order to serve the files. This is accomplished by making
>all of these files readable by everyone. The alternative, making user httpd
>a member of all web site groups, would quickly cause httpd to exceed the 32
>group limit.

If you do decide to forsake cobalt's permissions structure, you can set 
up all websites to give permission to the httpd group.

That does mean modifying quite a bit, but for the adventuresome, it's 


Dave Polaschek    - Polaschek Computing, Inc. -   davep@xxxxxxxx
PGP key and other spiffy things at <http://www.best.com/~davep/>
 "No matter how cool your interface, it would be better if there
were less of it."                                  - Alan Cooper