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[cobalt-security] Hackers coming from germay and austrian isp

Hello all,

my raqs are located in italy.

I have noticed that every time there is an update on
http://www.cert.org/current/current_activity.html the same night a get
attacked with exploits of the new vulnerability published on cert.org.

The attacks comes at hundreds/second so I believe the attacker must be using
a sort of a script.

The provenience is always a dialup of the majors german and austrian ISPs.

I have written to them: not even a "Get lost!" reply.

While I don't have anything particularly sensible on the machine I still
find very very annoying that nothing is done about this.

Does anybody else noticed this?

Audric Leperdi
evolutiva s.r.l. - Via Varallo, 30 - 10153 Torino (TO) - Italy
Tel. +39.011.8121617 - Fax +39.011.8121614 - http://www.evolutiva.com

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