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Re: [cobalt-security] Unable to turn off Finger and NFS

On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Rod Todd wrote:
> Hello, we are trying to turn off the Finger daemon and
> NFS, since we do not want to use these services; where
> on the Raqs or Qubes do you do this?  Finger has been
> said in the O'riely books that it is a security issue
> since the usernames can be seen as users are logged
> in.


Comment out any service you don't need. If however you're not sure, then
leave it 'as-is'. And take a backup copy of it first! Once this is done

killall -HUP inetd

for your changes to take effect.

Also some services have components which start from /etc/rc.d/init.d and
the associated runlevel directories in /etc/rc.d - if your RaQ has
chkconfig on it you'll be able to remove these services (nfs, nfslock,
portmap for example) by running:

chkconfig --list
	will give you a list of what starts where

chkconfig --del <servicename eg nfs>
	will remove that rc script and the associated service from
startup. And you can always stop things by hand by running:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/<servicename> stop

Be *very* careful here not to remove important things like httpd ;-) as
you'll get in trouble at bootup...

Hope that helps
