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Re: [cobalt-security] Setting up Multiple IPs on Raq3i

You don't need much more than:

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:x new-IP-addr netmask up

E.g. : 

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up

You may need to adjust the netmask to fit your subrange, though ;)

To the best of my recollection, you don't need any more than that.

It would probably be wise to enter these into into /etc/rc.d/rc.local,
though. Otherwise you'll lose them on reboot.


/Martin Møller.

On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Vijay wrote:

> Hello,
> Here is a very silly question.
> I want to set up Raq3i to listen for 4 ip addresses.
> 1 - For Primary DNS
> 2 - SSL
> 3 and 4 for multiple Virtual DOmains
> I will be greatful if someone can guide me to do this. I know how to set up
> DNS as that is already set up on my box by default. My problem is for the
> other three ip addresses. At present, I am using the Primary DNS ip for all
> domains (6 of them) which I want to change.
> Thanks in advance,
> Vijay
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