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RE: [cobalt-security] Re: Security Alert on MIPS based Cobalts

You also must place an .htaccess in "userList," etc.  Or you could just file
a detailed vulnerability report on BugTraq and wait for Cobalt to issue a
security patch...

PS: email a "lists" command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Look at the data
it returns.  Think about it from a spammer's perspective.  (Edit each
/usr/local/majordomo/lists/xxxx.config by hand if you want security.)


-----Original Message-----
From: cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Malcolm
Sent: Sunday, 8 October 2000 3:20 AM
To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [cobalt-security] Re: Security Alert on MIPS based Cobalts

on 8/10/00 10:39 AM, Malcolm McLeary at mmcleary@xxxxxxx wrote:

> This is really bad!
>   http://www.domain.com:81/.cobalt/groupList/
> presents this page without a password prompt, while
>   http://www.domain.com:81/.cobalt/sysManage/
> prompts for a username and password.
> There must be a relatively easy fix to this because my Gateway Microserver
> does not have this problem ... it prompts for a password for both of these
> URLs.
> Would a .htaccess file restricting access to admin work?

Yep.  My Gateway Microserver has a .htaccess file in the groupList directory
where my Qubes don't.  Just add a .htaccess file containing the following
and the problem will be resolved.

# Access file for /usr/admserv/html/.cobalt/groupList/ (admin)
order allow,deny
allow from all
require user admin
Authname Server
Authtype Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /etc/htgroup

It would be prudent to check all the other directories in
/usr/admserv/html/.cobalt/ for missing .htaccess files.  Unfortunately
creating a .htaccess at the parent level doesn't work as the error directory
needs to have no restrictions.

>From a quick poke around this is a problem on Qube 2700WGs and Qube2s, but
not on Gateway Microservers.

Cheers,  Malcolm

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