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Re: [cobalt-security] secFTP not working on Qube2

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 10:23:42 -0700, Jeff Lovell <jlovell@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

:>Mike Vanecek wrote:
:>> Active and passive work if using non-secure session.
:>> Both passive and active are broken for me if I do a ssh1 session (using the
:>> openssh 2.1.1 install from Cobalt). Using the latest version of SecureCRT to
:>> establish the port forwarding. I have not tried a ssh2 session.
:>> I have sent you the logs in a private message.
:>> I would be a happy camper if either one worked via ssh.

:>This is working for me.
:>Add the following directive to your /etc/proftpd.conf file:
:>AllowForeignAddress             on
:>Here are the details from proftpd:

Thanks, I had just found it myself and sent you a message with the same

Did you try a non-passive ssh1 transfer. That still does not work for me even
with the change. It gets hung on the LIST command. I can live with PASV
transfers, however. Still get 

Oct 24 10:50:45 vanecek proftpd[271]: coba.unt.edu - run-time
scoreboard file '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd-inetd' appears to be from a newer
version of proftpd (1.2.0). 

Oct 24 13:03:34 vanecek proftpd[1795]: coba.unt.edu
(coba.unt.edu[129.120.xx.xxx]) - FTP no transfer timeout, disconnected. 

Maybe this has something to do with the non-passive transfer:?

Oct 24 13:03:34 vanecek sshd[1715]: error: channel 1: chan_shutdown_read:
shutdown() failed for fd11 [i1 o128]:  Socket is not connected

FTP Log for non-passive

WINSOCK.DLL: WinSock 2.0
WS_FTP LE 5.08 2000.01.13, Copyright © 1992-2000 Ipswitch, Inc.
local chdir to c:\temp
- -
connecting to
Connected to port 8082
[144] from port 1293
220 ProFTPD 1.2.0 Server (ProFTPD) [vanecek.bcis.coba.unt.edu]
USER admin
331 Password required for admin.
PASS (hidden)
230 User admin logged in.
257 "/home/users/admin" is current directory.
Host type (I): UNIX (standard)
PORT 127,0,0,1,5,14
200 PORT command successful.
! Receive error: Blocking call cancelled

! Retrieve of folder listing failed (0)