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Re: [cobalt-security] secFTP not working on Qube2

Mike Vanecek wrote:
> I added the following command to /etc/proftpd.conf in the Global section
>   AllowForeignAddress on
> I am now able to do PASV ftps via ssh1 for registered users. I cannot do a
> ssh1 anonymous ftp, but then why would I want to?
> Active transfers still do not work. That gets us back to
> http://www.proftpd.org/proftpd-l-archive/00-08/msg00106.html

The like you provide above isn't quite the same as what you
are experiencing.  The above discussion is about using active
ftp connections on a non-encrypted channel.  Which does work
with the proftpd in patch 3.0.2-6449.

It seems that active FTP connections are not allowed over
ssh due to not being able to dynamically assign ports to
the ftp client.  You can use a client that doesn't support
passive connections, but you must use the PORT command to
assign the data channel.

Here is a link to the SSH FAQ that might be able to
give you more insight.



Jeff Lovell
Cobalt Networks, Inc.