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[cobalt-security] Still Unable to turn off NFS

Hi, thanks for helping last time about turning off
Finger, though when we tried to disable NFS on our
Qube2, it won't stop. Quoting O'reilly: "One of the
most important features that was missing was secuirty:
Sun's RPC and NFS had virtually none...".
We did chkconfig --list and received one of the lines
like this:
nsf 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off
So we did a /sbin/chkconfig --del nfs and now have:
nsf 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
Though when we do this :
ps aux | grep nfs
We still receive this:
root		6  0.0  0.0  0	 0  ?  SW Nov 10 0:00 (nfsiod)
root		7  0.0  0.0  0	 0  ?  SW Nov 10 0:00 (nfsiod)
root		8  0.0  0.0  0	 0  ?  SW Nov 10 0:00 (nfsiod)
root		9  0.0  0.0  0	 0  ?  SW Nov 10 0:00 (nfsiod)
root	  4136  0.0  0.1  1384 400 ? p0 SW Nov 10 0:00
grep nfs 
In /etc/inetd.conf there are not nfs entries; the only
place on the box for nfsd that we found is :
So I imagine that there is still a nfs i/o daemon that
is running via a module or by the kernel at boot-up?
We only connect to one other comp locally via Samba,
do FTP, IMAP, SSH, & DNS so is it safe to think we can
disable nfs somehow without disturbing our other


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