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[cobalt-security] Disappearing Aliases and Logs Rotation

RAQ2 2800 SP3

we are experienceing catchall alisas (@www.domain.com) disappearing from
user accounts.
As normal you create the domain and then add a user that has
firstname.lastname@xxxxxxxxxx and then modify the user to include a catch
all e.g. @www.domain.com.  Next we setup the A records and MX records.

Everythign appears to work fine until we get an email from some clients
saying that they haven't had any email for a while.  We log in and the
catchall alias is gone!

we add it back in save and verify, all seems well.

It happens randomly to different sites at different time and we cannot work
out why!


Sometimes the Log files aren't generated correctly, the webstats page say No
Reports Generated at This Time. even thought the site settings say Daily or
Weekly in the stats settings.

I have checked myself after the support team experienced the problem and I
have clairified that it is being caused by the RaQ not user/staff error

Anyone got any advice ???????

Regards Malc