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Re: [cobalt-security] (no subject)

Best way to fix a hack is to back up your data and restore the entire OS from scratch using a cobalt restore CD. That way you can be sure that your system does not have some back door lurking someplace. Of course, this is not always very possible...
Your second choice would at least be reinstalling the FTP service. For that, you would have to download the same version of proftp that cobalt is using (you can probably find an rpm at www.redhat.com) and install it over your current setup. Also, you will have to be sure that your entire configuration matches the way cobalt originally set things up, or the web admin will be broken (I would contact cobalt and see if they have some kind of .pkg file that could do this for you - you may have to pay them for it though). In fact, if you can't afford to shut down your raq for a day and restore from the cobalt OS restore CD, your best bet is to pay the cobalt people to fix it for you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 5:40 PM
Subject: [cobalt-security] (no subject)

We have a serious problem with our Raq 3
Out whole ftp service is down and has been for  a week
we contacted Cobalt tech support as soon as it went down and all they say is that we will call you back.
We have gotten something out of support. They state that we were hacked into back in April by the group adm rocks
Which there was no patch to Dl then to block them so its really not anyone's fault but we just want to know how to fix our ftp service.
Under the active monitor is says swatch_service_body_defcon_2
for the ftp service.
Could someone please tell us how to fix this!