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[cobalt-security] Increasing access log file sizes

Anyone know of any implications if we increasing the access log size for
individual domain in the /etc/logrotate.d/ folder?

I know that it uses the VAR partition so a global increase would cause the
RaQ to run out of allocated space and when writing files it would simply
crash the server, but i can't see a major issue increasing indiviaual
virtual hosts log size as required.

[root /etc/logrotate.d]# more siteX
/home/sites/siteX/logs/access {
   size 1M
[root /etc/logrotate.d]#

QuestionNum: 383
Product: RaQ
Category Software
Creation Date: Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 1998 PST

Can I extend the log reports on the server? One of the logs report about 2
days worth of informaton before being deleted.

No, the log files cannot be extended as it is based on the file size, and
the amount of space partitioned on the hard drive