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[cobalt-security] Raq4 BIND ok ? What about a htaccess folder ?

Hi all,

After my server was hacked i received a RAQ4 server form my ISP.
So something good came out afterall. I have installed all available updates
on this raq including the BIND update on the RAQ 4 download page.

Can anyone tell me if this will be sufficient for now or do i need to add
more updates ?

Also I would like to know how to use a .htaccess file to secure a folder on
one of my virtual sites.
I have tried it before on the raq3 and it worked but as the raq is gone so
is the .htaccess file i used.
Also i'm not quite sure if this methode is secure enough.

If anyone has some info on that, please mail it to me.

You can reach me at info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or direct when online on ICQ:


Peter Broerse