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FW: [cobalt-security] the Bind of BIND ;)

Got no replies from last time any ideas?

Anyone remember the RaQ2 ;)

we'd quite like a PKG that will install ! re my earlier problem>>>>

>>>trying to install the BIND fix

shh'd as root and ftp'd from a RaQ2 box to ftp.cobalt.com & downloaded the
PKG to /tmp then ran
[root /tmp]# /usr/local/sbin/cobalt_upgrade

and i get an odd message:
4015 RaQ2 Update 3.0 needs to be installed before this package.
4015 Error in installation script upgrade_me

But OS3 is installed???????

However the WebAdmin shows:
Software On The Cobalt Server

Cobalt OS Release 4.0  (????????????)
OpenSSH Server Release 2.1.1p2

Am i missing something, its been a long day!