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RE: [cobalt-security] FW: Chili!Soft ASP Multiple Vulnerabilitie s

> Well here's another one just posted to BugTraq:
> I tried the first Example on a Raq4 after starting the 
> ChiliSoft ASP server.
> http://<server>/caspsamp/codebrws.asp?source=/caspsamp/../admi
> n/conf/service
> .pwd
> ChiliSoft very politely returns the servers ADMIN and 
> encrypted password to
> the browser.
> The ChiliSoft Server Admin Password is the same as the 
> Servers Main Admin
> aka Root.
> I don't care to test the other vunerabilities...ChiliSoft is now gone.
> If anyone finds that any of this is really not applicable to 
> the Raq4's
> please advise nicely...
> no need to flame.
> The advisory author states that he advised the vendor (that 
> would be Cobalt)
> on December 30, 2000.
> I don't see any ChiliSoft Security updates on the Cobalt site.

It seems Chilisoft does a good job emulating an ASP host! :-) A lot of known
vulnerabilities on NT webservers were in the sample scripts that are
installed by default. 
> Here's the complete advisory:
> ==============================================================
> ==============
> ======
> Author:   Stan Bubrouski (stan@xxxxxxxxxxx)
> Date:   February 20, 2001
> Package:  Chili!Soft ASP
> Versions affected:  3.5.2 and possibly previous versions.
> Severity:  (1) A remote user could potentially view sensative 
> information
> and
>               take remote control of the server.  (2) The 
> installer installs
>               a default username and password for the 
> adminstrative console
>               if auto-detect of settings is used.  (3) There are also
> several
>               serious file permissions problems.
> Problems:
> (1) Chili!Soft ASP ships with samples scripts which are located in
>     /opt/casp/caspsamp by default and are installed on 
> webservers by default
>     accessable via http://<server>/caspsamp/ A sample script named
>     codebrws.asp prolly taken from IIS/4.0 originally is 
> vulnerable to a
>     "../" attack allowing sensative information to be 
> revieled to remote
>     users.  During brief testing I was only able to get the 
> script to read
>     files on directory above the caspsamp directory which is 
> the /opt/casp
>     directory by default.  This directory contains database
>     usernames/passwords, the server logs, and the username/password to
>     administration console.  With the password to the 
> administrative console
>     a remote user with web access can remotely manage the server thus
>     openning endless possibilies since the console runs as root.
>     It appears they attempted to prevent people from viewing 
> files outside
>     the samples directory because when I tried with an url 
> not containing
>     /caspsamp/ at the begining it would fail and warn me that I'm not
> allowed
>     to view files outside the samples directory.
> (2) The installer program installs a default username and password for
>     adminstration console which is remotely accessable via 
> the web.  The
>     username/password are stored in the file 
> /opt/admin/conf/service.pwd
>     which is probably the only file installed with the 
> correct permissions
>     (in this case mode 600).
> (3) There are several files installed mode 666 which is a 
> serious no-no as
>     some logs and configuration files are affected by this. 
> On my system the
>     following files were installed mode 666:
> /opt/casp/logs/install_summary
> /opt/casp/logs/install
> /opt/casp/logs/register
> /opt/casp/logs/server-3000
> /opt/casp/logs/component
> /opt/casp/caspsamp/401K/database/QEDBF.INI
> /opt/casp/caspsamp/friendship/agent/database/QEDBF.INI
> /opt/casp/caspsamp/friendship/client/database/QEDBF.INI
> /opt/casp/caspsamp/QEDBF.INI
> /opt/casp/chilicom/lib/hkey.current.user
> /opt/casp/chilicom/lib/hkey.local.machine
> /opt/casp/INSTALL/.webserver-cache
> /opt/casp/.installed_db
> /opt/casp/admin/conf/hkey.current.user
> /opt/casp/admin/conf/hkey.local.machine
> /opt/casp/admin/logs/server
>     This may seem bad it gets worse.  Most of the files dealing with
>     databases such as global_odbc.ini and odbc.ini are all 
> world-readable
> and
>     thus by default expose passwords administrators may lator 
> install to
>     local users.  All configuration files for the server and 
> subsequent
> other
>     services offered Chili!Soft ASP are also world-readable 
> exposing even
>     more useful information to local users.
> Examples:
> http://<server>/caspsamp/codebrws.asp?source=/caspsamp/../admi

Solution: Remove all references to the sample ASP file in your httpd.conf
replace the default admin account.  Then change file permissions in
as your system security dictates (in other words figure it out for yourself)

Vendor Status: Vendor was e-mailed these problems on December 30, 2000.

Copyright ©2001 Stan Bubrouski

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