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Re: [cobalt-security] Hacker activity?

On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 10:18:39AM -0000, Drage, Nicholas wrote:
> Don't worry Rodrigo, these "hits" are merely your RaQ monitoring its
> services to see if they are still up and listening.
> "" refers to localhost, the host itself, in all TCP/IP
> implementations ( as far as I'm aware anyway ).  Might be worth you reading
> a TCP/IP primer or two.
> Prompts a thought though, on the local machine surely there's an easier way
> to see if a port is listening that to make a TCP/IP connection to it?

Well, depends on what kind of monitoring you want.  You could check the
deamon/service was running, but this does not show that it is actually
binding to a port.  You could [as suggested] use netstat [or lsof] output to
check if a port was listed as "listening".

IIRC the monitoring is done this way to check that sensible data can be
fetched from the service so that a near certain "it's working, look I got
data!" style test can be performed.

John Sim
Systems Administrator
Interactive Services    o
Demon Internet @ Thus  o o