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[cobalt-security] Re: [cobalt-users] BIND & ProFTPD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rene Hendrix" <rhendrix@xxxxxxx>
To: <cobalt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 8:00 AM
Subject: [cobalt-users] BIND & ProFTPD

> G'Afternoon.
> We here at Cobalt wanted to assure you that we are doing everything
> possible to get .pkg's out the door for the recent BIND exploit as
> well as the recent ProFTPD response to several security holes.
>  pkg's for upgrading BIND are available on ftp://ftp.cobalt.com/ for
>  the RaQ4 and RaQ3
>  Locations:

Hey there,

What's happening here?

I have followed your advice and installed the the above package.
This package is of size 3,119,949 bytes and update bind from
BIND-8.2.2_P5-C1 to BIND-8.2.2_P7-C1.  As this appears an
official announcement, I thought that is it...

... until I got cracked again.  On inspection and comparision
with http://www.cobalt.com/support/download/raq3.eng.html
reveals some inconsistencies:

    RaQ3-All-Security-4.0.1-9353.pkg is of size 3,119,949 bytes
    and updates bind to BIND-8.2.2_P7-C1

    RaQ3-All-Security-4.0.2-9353.pkg is of size 3,120,155 bytes
    and updates bind to BIND-8.2.3-C1.  (The webpage says that
    the size is 3,119,949 bytes which is incorrect.)

Ok, no hassle, just install 4.0.2 over 4.0.1.  Now, cobalt is showing
that I have two pkg(s) installed.  Ok, no hassle, just uninstall the
first pkg.

Now, the fun begins.  On attempting to uninstall of 4.0.1, gives
this error(?) message:

    (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

What's happening here?  How do I uninstall 4.0.1?
