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Re: [cobalt-security] RE: 'On my Soap Box'

I receive hundreds of incidents each week ranging from personal websites to major corporations, government
and military and I assure you that nobody here should be surprised at what goes on, the 'hacks' you or even I
have seen or heard about is very much the tip of the iceberg.

Also I would like to point out that while a 'Firewall' as most people understand it can be very beneficial it is only
a very small part of a toal security solution, also keep in mind the majority of financial losses that occur through
an information security breach are internal, ie. your employees!

This information is based on my personal real world experience of both assets that I secure and incidents which
are investigated by me, the stastistics you will find on http://www.cert.org/ are also quite a good refelction on
what is going on out there.

Have a real great day, and don't be paranoid.. be proactive!

Adam Sculthorpe

Internet Security Consultant

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On 06/03/2001 at 09:09 Martin Adams wrote:

>I was surprised when I got "hacked" two weeks ago. And I agree that make
>the "hackers" go somewhere where the doors to the bank are open. I just
>bought a VelociRaptor and people are knocking but they can't (so far)
>get in. Not impervious, but as close as I can get!
>Martin Adams
>Kevin D wrote:
>> From: "Mark Anderson" <cronus@xxxxxx>
>> > > Your server will, at some point, be scanned/attacked/compromised
>> >
>> > I beg to disagree...
>> > The only hinderence to efficient
>> > security is laziness. The ability to successfully attack a machine and
>> gain
>> > elevated privileges is allot more difficult and requires more
>> intelligence.
>> To carry out a successfull security policy you need to know how the
>> attackers work. Script kiddies can get access to software that will
>crack a
>> vulnerable machine with a single command.
>cobalt-security mailing list
