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Re: [cobalt-security] RE: 'On my Soap Box'

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Marc Gear wrote:

> > Please add me to the list of RAQ owners who are finding out that the
> buying of the box and initial setup is the easy part. After having my RAQ3
> hacked twice in 11 months, I need help. Need to re-install OS on the 3 and
> and add some better protection to my RAQ4r as needed. Is there a wizard out
> there who is available for such work? I have neither the knowledge nor the
> time.
> > Norm D
> Security consultants cost the earth, and this mailing list is not a
> recruitment agency for them anyway. You are far better learning to, and
> doing it yourself.
> The (free) advice I will give you is to learn how to do it youself, as it
> will cost you less money (and time) in the long run. Else, look elsewhere to
> employ people to do it for you. Follow all the links below, and you are
> going to be getting drastically more secure than the default cobalt install.
> http://www.cobalt.com/support/download/raq3
> http://www.cobalt.com/support/download/raq4
> http://www.enteract.com/~lspitz/linux.html
> http://www.openssl.org
> http://www.openssh.com
> http://www.insecure.org/nmap
> http://www.chkrootkit.org/
> http://www.tripwire.org/
> http://www.psionic.com/abacus/portsentry/
> http://www.psionic.com/abacus/logcheck/
> http://www.bastille-linux.org
> And if you manage all that then you are halfway towards making a
> halfway secure server. (that list is a lot longer than I intended... I
> guess there is maybe a lot more to this security lark than people
> think and to think I left out tons of links...) -- /\/\ a R (

http://owned.lab6.com/~gossi/RaQ-security :)  Although its slightly