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Re: [cobalt-security] hacked raq3

I would also recommend running:
rpm -V fileutils
rpm -V procps
rpm -V util-linux
The util linux one is going to complain just watch what it complains about, the
box here complains this:
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/chfn
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/chsh
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/login
.M......   /usr/bin/newgrp
.M......   /usr/bin/write
And this is a clean box.... hope this helps...

Kevan Benson wrote:

> I can't really tell you what processes should be running, because that
> depends on your services, but I can give you a somewhat good walkthrough for
> finding problems.
> As a start I would advise you run "ps -auxwww" on the server and check what
> programs it says are running, and try to account for them all.  If you don't
> know what something does, look at the man page or do a google search.  Next,
> run "netstat -plven" AS ROOT.  That will tell you what programs are listening
> on what ports, and their PIDs.  After that telnet to those ports and see if
> they respond with what they should (for example, try telnetting to a host
> with FTP on port 21, they usually respond saying the FTP server type and
> version).  A good port scanner for linux is nmap, get it at freshmeat.net.
> Another good scanner system checker is nessus, get it at the same place.
> These are both linux tools, I don't know their equivalent in windows or mac.

Timothy Bissell
Sun Microsystems Sr. Help Desk Technician
Phone: 1-800-266-4378