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Re: [cobalt-security] FTPD DoS (x-posted to cobalt-users)


I think you dont understand how inetd works. If someone connects to, lets say port 21, inetd spawns a proftpd session. At the moment proftpd starts, it wil read it config file. So who's talking poop now?

There are nice books in store... Called Linux for dummies.

At 12:57 17-3-2001 +0000, you wrote:

> Can I ask why you need to restart inetd .. IMHO your talking poop.
> Your not changing /etc/inetd.conf so in reality you do not need to restart
> inetd in this case. The next time someone uses the ftp server it will pick
> up the new config file since its does not run in the background and even
> it did, you would need to restart the ftp server and not inetd.

Being offensive doesn't really promote good discussion on a mailing list,
does it?

So, your immature attitude aside...

ProFTP on the RaQ servers runs through inet and so restarting inetd is the
method for restarting the ftp server.

If you only want to prevent new users from using the DoS, then sure, don't
restart inet. If, however, you are a responsible sysadmin, you might want to
stop any current users using an anti-idle from activiating the DoS on your
server too, then killing off any current FTP sessions and restarting inet
will ensure that.

Your servers may not be important to you, but for many they are.

Jonathan Michaelson