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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: Internal Server Error on Raq4i

Declan wrote:

>"/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop " just told me the "Shutting down
>PostgreSQL: Not Running!"
OK fair enough.

>"echo "local cobalt crypt">/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf" told me
>"sh: var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf: No such file or directory"
>Any other advise?
Read what you're typing is my advice!
The shell "sh" has failed to find "var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf".
This is not surprising, as you missed the leading / slash.
There is a big difference between var/whatever and /var/whatever.
Try typing it again, this time being very careful to type the right thing.

Declan also wrote:

>Having tried the /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start command, I still get
>"failed", even after trying your killall commands, which yielded "no
>processes stopped".
This suggests that Postgres is set up wrong, or isn't installed.
You at least now know that it isn't a previously running postgres process
causing the problem. Doing the step given earlier might fix it, I don't know
too much about postgres.

>What do you mean by:
>"If this still doesn't work, try top and look for zombies.
>You may want to do a :
>ps axf
>and mail it to the list..."

This means, run the "top" command to have a look at the processes running on
your machine, to look for zombie processes, such as lingering postgres
processes that won't go away.
Or, type ps axf, to look at the processes in another way, and send us the
results to look at them, as maybe we can see something there that you can't.
However, your other results would suggest this is uneccessary.
"top" is a very well known linux program, "ps" is an even more well known
unix program.
Processes and zombie processes are fairly simple unix concepts as well.

As an aside, this thread has very little relevance on a mailing list called
"cobalt security", and I'd rather not have to wade through stuff like this
looking for actual security concerns or information. Please aim your
questions better next time!

If you really do charge IR£15/month for hosting a single site on your
£25/month web server, perhaps you could invest some of that money in a
training course, linux book, or whatever, rather than relying on free
assistance on simple issues on the wrong mailing list from people who have
jobs of their own :o)

Hope you get your database fixed anyway.
