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[cobalt-security] How to locate SUID = root files?

Hi all,

I've got a question for the linux cracks: How do I find out which programs on 
my RaQ3 are executeable by everyone and are owned by user "root"?

The reason why I ask this: Our box got rooted two weeks ago and two backdoors 
had been installed. We removed them, installed the latest patches (also the 
proftp fix discussed here) disabled telnet, installed SSH, upgraded Webmin 
and the Admin-Interface to SSL and change the admin password once per week. 
We also installed Portsentry and Logwatch to keep up to date on all server 

We get portscanned usually once per day and registered some abnormal server 
reboots, when the server restarted itself without one of the two persons with 
admin login initiating the reboot.

So we suspect that either some kind of backdoor is still there, or that a 
malicious SUID = root file is left somewhere.

Any help would be appreciated.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Michael Stauber