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[cobalt-security] RE: Weird user on my SMTP

Carrie wrote:

> When I use Netstat -a to see what's happening on my box i keep
seeing this
> user on my smtp port.
> tcp        0      0

>After you added him to your hosts.deny file, did you try turning off
>email so that he'd be disconnected, then turning it back on?

Yep, did that, didn't seem to work.

>You might also want to check your email parameters and make sure this
>IP isn't allowed to send out mail; could be that he's hooked up to you
>and using you for a spam machine. (Make sure that he's listed in the
>GUI for not being able to connect also.)

Did that too, also doesn't seem to help. Very strange !

 How recently have you done a
>check to see if you've been haqd?

Yesterday as I was checking my raq for hacks I discovered this.
Have you got any tips or clues to trace how long this has been so ?


Peter Broerse
