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Re: [cobalt-security] POP before SMTP

You need to explicitly add networks or specific hosts / IP addresses to allow relaying,
goto your control panel and check your mail server settings, there is online help to
assist you.

For example if you are dialled into an ISP you need to add either your current IP where
the mail is physically being sent from, or the ISP's network domain ie. btconnect.com

Be careful about adding IP's if you are using DHCP, not a good idea.


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On 09/04/2001 at 13:54 Joe Llewelyn wrote:

>Hi All,
>Long time listener but a newbie to Cobalts themselves..
>I installed the PKG that allows POP before SMTP.
>Problem is - how the hell do I get it working? I've ticked the relevant box
>in mail settings but nothing happens. If I POP from an IP then try and send
>using exactly the same IP and email address thru SMTP it says "Relaying
>denied....... check mail first" or something similar.
>Any advice appreciated..
>cobalt-security mailing list