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Re: [cobalt-security] IPChains question

Hi Carrie,

> I've decided I'm tired of seeing all of these port 137 connections
> from idiots thinking I run a Linux box, and I just want to block
> anything from coming in to that port.

Yes, good call!

I'd recommend DENYing 137 thru 139; all Wintendo type of stuff:
"--destination-port 137:139"

> My question is, how do I stop ALL incoming packets on 137, not just
> from one IP?

Instead of "" say "0/0". I believe this even blocks localhost.

I'm still searching for an update of my favorite ipchains script(s)
(langistix.com, anyone?). I have an older version I use on masquerading
machines, which I would of course be glad to send you off list if you like.
It's three great starter scripts, actually.

Good luck blocking... Nico