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Re: [cobalt-security] NEW local exploit

Making this exploit public would not be a good idea. But this exploit is real.
Im not a hacker, so i wouldnt know what it precisely does. I only know that it works. It has been verified by many ppl now.
I also didn't discover this. I only got the exploit.

At 14:54 15-4-2001 +0100, you wrote:

Have you posted this vulnerability to BUGTRAQ or any other sites?

I am happy for you to have discovered a 'nice' new vulnerability but without
either the source code or a full disclosure of what is happening your post
here is pretty useless.


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On 15/04/2001 at 15:31 Peter Batenburg wrote:

>Today i got a nice new local root exploit from a friend of mine. It gives
>local root in an instant with every kernel and setuid executable available
>(even 2.4)
>[host host]$ id
>uid=131(host) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),111(site-adm),119(site8)
>[host host]$ ./prak /usr/bin/crontab
>bug exploited successfully.
>bash# id
>uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=100(users),111(site-adm),119(site8)
>This is with a RaQ4r: Linux ********** 2.2.14C11 #2 Wed Jun 28 00:55:51
>2000 i586 unknown
>On a RaQ3: Linux ******** 2.2.14C10 #3 Wed Jun 21 15:05:10 JST 2000 i586
>[bb@***** bb]$ id
>uid=174(bb) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
>[bb@***** bb]$ ./prak /usr/bin/crontab
>bug exploited successfully.
>bash# id
>uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=100(users)
>Hopefully cobalt will release a patched kernel within some weeks.
>People from cobalt can contact me for the source.