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Re: [cobalt-security] FTP exploits

At 09:42 19.04.01 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I can't stress enough to everyone the importance of properly
>disinfecting a machine after a system attack. 

>In this situation, the only recommendation we can make is to obtain &
>use an OS Restore CD to return the machine to the state it was in when
>new. Additionally, we explicitly recommend against making any backups at
>We suggest the following:
>1: Take the affected machines off the Internet/network.
>2: Use an OS Restore CD to return machine to the condition it was in
>when new.
>   The OS Restore CD can be obtained at: http://shop.cobalt.com , in the
>   "software" product category.
>3: Obtain and install all of the updates for your machine from our
>update site, located at:
>http://www.cobalt.com/support/download/index.html Please be aware that

I'd prefer to be able to get updated OS Restore CD images, so the the cleaning
is a one step operation (besides playing back the contents of the sites).

Is there a place, where I can get UPDATED versions of the restore CD?

The Qube 3 is at OS 6.2 by now, and the accessible images are OS 6.0 with
blue link not working...


*  Dr. Bruno Schneuwly  *  E-mail: b.schneuwly@xxxxxxxxxx             *
*  BS Engineering       *     WWW: http://www.bs-eng.com              *
*  Technopark           *     Tel: +41 (1) 445 21 30                  *
*  CH-8005 Zuerich      *     Fax: +41 (1) 445 21 31                  *