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Re: [cobalt-security] socks & sunrpc on a netstat?

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Carrie Bartkowiak wrote:

> Hey guys...
> I found this 'socks' connection tonight, and a 'sunrpc' connection
> when I did a netstat. Could y'all take a look and tell me if something

you didn't mention which cobalt product you are running, but I don't
think that matters... i never saw any linux listening on the SOCKS port by
default (nor having a software to do that by default)

> I don't have DNS or Telnet enabled on the machine, although I am
> running SSH2 and just recently within the past week turned on the ASP
> server.

Don't think the ASP did it, unless when designed by Microsoft with their
IIS they officially decided to avoid standards and got it to listen to a
port already "registered" by another service.

> [root web]# netstat

Use netstat -pl [as root] - you'll see what programs listen on all the
ports - unlike a netstat without parms, which only givens you the *active*
connections (your machine can listen on ALL ports and it won't show it!)
(as you can see from your own quote:
> Active Internet connections (w/o servers)

Also, sunrpc is a big headache - tons of security issues, even if it's
legit, i would close it...

> CarrieB

- shimi.