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RE: [cobalt-security] A hacked box - an example

> Just want to show you a box that has been hacked into and what it looks
> like. [snip]
> A customer believed he was hacked and asked me to verify. Here's the
> results:
> [snip]

I ran those commands on my RaQ3, and here's what I got:

[admin@config /home]$ rpm -V procps
[admin@config /home]$ rpm -V fileutils
[admin@config /home]$ rpm -V net-tools
[admin@config /home]$ rpm -V util-linux
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/chfn
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/chsh
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/login
..?.....   /usr/bin/chfn
..?.....   /usr/bin/chsh
.M?.....   /usr/bin/newgrp
.M......   /usr/bin/write
[admin@config /home]$ lsattr /bin/login
-------- /bin/login
[admin@config /home]$ ls /bin/login -l
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root     root        20164 Apr 17  1999 /bin/login

I'm especially curious about login, the MD5 and size are different, yet the
lsattr shows nothing.


Should I be concerned?  What does a clean box look like?