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RE: [cobalt-security] re: Telnet security

SSH1 logins can also be sniffed and cracked in a switched environment, use SSH2 on a non-standard listening port


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On 25/04/2001 at 15:41 Reinoud van Leeuwen wrote:

>> Reinoud van Leeuwen wrote:
>> > If you login through *telnet* over a public network, you 
>> have a lot to worry
>> > about! Telnet is so insecure, people can just sniff your 
>> password to get
>> > into your box... (no hacking needed)
>> Which people are those who can sniff your password?  Network 
>> administrators
>> and such, but how does an 'ordinary' user watch theinternet 
>> promiscuously?
>Anyone on the same LAN segment (it does not matter whether it is switched
>not*) can sniff your traffic. So unless you control all the links between
>your workstation and the server you log in, you cannot be sure that you are
>not sniffed. This is usually the case in normal office environments, or
>people that connect through an ISP to their servers.
>If your workstation is on a dedicated management LAN, were you can trust
>the hosts (and you are 100% sure that they are not 0wn3d), it is another
>* it is not very hard for a hacker to put a switch in a broadcastnig device
>mode, so switching does not increase security on this point
>cobalt-security mailing list
