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[cobalt-security] BUGGER! - was Why does PortSentry continue to log ports 137 and 138 even though I've told it not to?

Thanks everyone for all your help. Rectified the problem <takes big gulp>...I did a ps ax | grep portsentry (as Gerald suggested) and found there were about 10 instances of portsentry running in both modes - oops.
I killed them all off, cleared the hosts.deny file (which was crammed with local IP's), cleared portsentry.blocked.audp (which again had many local entries) and did an ipchains -F to clear out the ruleset. Just started portsentry up again in both (tcp and udp) stealth modes, have repeatedly run logcheck over 5 minutes (which normally generates tons of port 137/138 entries) and nothing is showing up..hooray!
Well that's taken me 3 days work out what the problem was! Thanks again everyone for all your help,