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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ3-All-Kernel-4.0.1-2.216C24III.pkg

At 10:50 AM 5/5/01 +0100, you wrote:
>I was wondering whether the issues surrounding this update have been 
>cleared up?  I mean, is it actually safe to install on our RaQ3's or 
>not?  I see there are now two additional updates which I don't really want 
>to install before the kernel update.


I do not know whether it is "safe" or not but I did install it just days
after it came out.. there was some talk here that the intended security
issue was not actually addressed in the update and there was also an issue
with a reported 33MHz bus speed reported at bootup.. 

One of the Cobalt tech's addressed the bus speed issue and I'm not totally
sure it was true or not. I noticed a slowup in cgi processes when I
installed the update.. *BUT* I notice it on a message board running in cgi
and that message board is an upgrade that was installed at about the same
time.. so if there is slowup.... it could be due to the scripting and not
the kernal.. 

So.. safe? I have had no actual "problems" with it.. and I've not been
hacked this week (knocking on major quantities of wood!) soo... don't take
my advice ver batum... check the archives and see what others are saying..
then make "best guess" decision based on that. I did get the impression
that there was to be an update to the update <g> So.. likely, if there is
an update to the update, it will overwrite whatever "problems" there might
be with the current "update" so it's probably safe to run with it... 
