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Re: [cobalt-security] Raq 4 e-mail to admin ???

Looks like webalizer found a referrer field in your web log that is
longer than whatever limit is comnpiled in.  Not a security issue,
ignore them unless you get lots of them and the referer is really
important to your web log analysis.


--On Thursday, May 10, 2001 16:02:47 -0400 "Franklin S. Werren" <fswerren@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Subject: Cron <root@www> run-parts /etc/cron.daily

Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field [2764]

Does anyone know why I get this from my RAQ4 ? ???

Franklin S. Werren, webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx   www.bagpipes.net
Modem Madness Ringmaster at www.madbbs.com/webring/
ICQ 8556386 or fswerren46 on AOL's IM or fswerren46 for MSN Messenger

Frank's Radio, P.O. Box 990, Sherman NY 14781-0990
For the best ISP in Chautauqua County NY and North West Pa
go to www.madbbs.com    They treat you right.

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Frank Smith                                                fsmith@xxxxxxxxxxx
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501