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RE: [cobalt-security] RaQ3-All-Kernel-4.0.1-2.216C24III.pkg

Do you really believe that uninstaller,
will do the job ???? 

<<!----cut there----!>>

if [ -e /var/lib/cobalt/RaQ-Kernel_i386_III-2.2.16C24* ]; then
        rm -f /var/lib/cobalt/RaQ-Kernel_i386_III-2.2.16C24*
<<!----cut there----!>>

will back up the kernel ???

No  !
(by the way there is no RaQ-Kernel_i386_III-2.2.16C24*, 
but there is RaQ3-All-Kernel-4.0.1-2.216C24III-4.0.1-2.216C24III.md5lst)

This should be

[root@square1 /boot]# mv System.map System.map.bad
[root@square1 /boot]# mv vmlinux.gz vmlinux.gz.bad
[root@square1 /boot]# mv System.map.pkgsave System.map 
[root@square1 /boot]# mv vmlinux.gz.pkgsave vmlinux.gz 

[root@square1 conf]# pwd
[root@square1 conf]# mv httpd.conf httpd.conf.bad
[root@square1 conf]# mv httpd.conf.pkgsave httpd.conf 

This work.

Jerome Tytgat
Network and Security Administrator
mailto:j.tytgat@xxxxxxxx        http://www.ision.fr 
> Should you find yourself with a "hosed" system and need to get it back
> up and running, you can un-install the patch. You do so by dropping in
> terminal as su - root. Cd to /var/lib/cobalt/uninstallers and find the
> uninstaller for the kernel patch. Type "./<filename of package>" without
> quotes and it *should* uninstall. If it doesn't you would probably have
> to OS Restore. You did backup before attempting the patch didn't you?