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Re: [cobalt-security] proftpd log entries

> After installing the last RaQ2 software update, I have been seeing
> in my log several times each hour messages such as the following:
> May 21 22:15:04 www proftpd[24474]: www.keller.com
(www.keller.com[]) - FTP session opened.

The Active Monitor will check this every 15 minutes to make sure it is
running. You'll see that line, then immediately a line saying that the
FTP session was closed. If that's what you're seeing, it's fine. You
can tell logcheck.ignore to stop reporting this to you.

If what you're seeing is more often than every 15 minutes, it might be
something different.

(As always, your mileage may vary with any of my advice. *s*)